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Manuscript Preparation: Title Page

The title should be brief and specific, Indicate author(s), Qualifications and affiliation(s). Indicate source of support if appropriate. Specify preference for author description to be used in footnote on the first page of the published article.



This should be structured, typed double-spaced, on a separate page and is not to exceed 300 words. It should be factual, comprehensive, and meaningful on its own.


Key words

List three to six concise terms for indexing purpose on a separate page following the abstract.



The text of the article should include the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and discussion. Subheadings in the materials and methods, results and discussion sections should be used as necessary to aid organization and presentation, but sub-headings should not be numbered. All the section should be written in concisely. Word limit: 5000 including references, tables and figures.



Manuscripts should be double-spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides. Each page, including tables, legends, and references, should be numbered consecutively, Quotations must be accurate and give full credit to source. Permission to quote and reproduce material previously published must cleared by the author, and a copy of the letter granting such permission should accompany the manuscript. When reporting units of measure, please use the International System of Units value, with the conventional unit equivalent in parentheses. The length of an article in printed form can be determined from the equation of 31/2 type written manuscript pages to one unbroken page of text in the Journal. Article length will necessarily vary according to subject matter and style, but authors should generally aim for manuscripts of between 1 and 15 pages unless the Editor has given specific approval otherwise. Submission of the final accepted manuscript in electronic form is encouraged by the Publisher. The preferred medium is a Microsoft Word file.




Tables should be typed single spaced and placed appropriately. Excessive width and length should be avoided as the necessitate a considerable reduction in type size. Tables should be  numbered consecutively, separate from the illustrations, and each should contain a brief, descriptive title. The data presented must be logically and clearly organized; it should be self-explanatory and supplement, not duplicate the text.



Illustrations are encouraged, for photographs, submit black and white glossy prints and on the back of each, lightly write in pencil the figure number, the last name of the senior author, and an indication of which is the top edge of the picture when not obvious. Drawings (including graphs and charts) should be done in black india ink on heavy white paper and, ideally, be approximately twice their intended final size. Lettering should be large enough to allow for size reduction, and preferably done professionally.

Author should submit art electronically, the images may be sent as a Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) or as an Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) file in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, or QuarkXPress, A laser proof must accompany the electronic art that is being submitted on disk.



Legends on the figures should be typed double-spaced on a separate manuscript page. They should be numbered consecutively, and should be brief and specific.



The references should be numbered consecutively, typed double-spaced, and follow the format outlined in American Medical Association Manual of Style, 9th ed. Journal titles should be abbreviated, without periods, as in Index Medicus. Please carefully arrange bibliographic elements and apply punctuation and spacing as noted below:


·       Journal article: Authors’ surnames and initials. Article title: subtitle Journal Name. Year volume (issues number): inclusive page numbers

·       Book: Authors’ surnames and initials. Book Title. Edition number. Place of Publication: Publisher; year: inclusive pages

·       Chapter in an edited book: Authors’ surname and initials. Chapter title In: Surname and initials of Book Authors or Editors. Book Title Edition number. Place of Publication Publisher; year inclusive pages


·       World Wide Web: e.g. Health Care Financing Administration 1996 statistics at a glance. Available at: Accessed December 2, 2009